Thursday 19 April 2007

Why am I doing this?

No seriously why am I doing this? Partly because, despite being as old as time itself, I have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century as far as technology goes. Back in the mid-1980s I was ahead of the rest with IT but no more apparently. So blogs - here I come!

But mostly I want to know what the hundreds of students I have worked with over the years are doing now. What are you doing? Who for? What for? (What are any of us doing it for?) Who with? Most importantly what about husbands, wives, children, - oh and have any of you made your first million yet? (Lend us a quid!)

I would really love to know what you are all up to. If you are in touch with other old chums get them to get in touch too!


Anonymous said...


What a brilliant idea!
Come on Ruth's former students and friends....join in!

Justin Luker said...

Hello Ruth,

This looks good, hopefully your ex-students will be able to keep in touch and you can let them know the news from yourself and BCUC.

Anonymous said...

Dave (the fruit slayer) Appleyard here. Life for me is up and down. Last Christmas I got laid of from my first job of 13 months. No biggie, I found a better one three weeks later and the earnings and growth potential is much better. I am a Proposal Assistant which basicall means I prepare bids for Government Contract work. It's business development for IT.

On the upside, I am married to my beautiful wife Kendra (since September 2006) and we are happily living together in a nice apartment with our two dogs Lilly and Darla. I have a new car and a little money in my pocket. Wait... no that went on the new car. DON'T MAKE THE SAME BLOODY MISTAKE!

On the seriously downside, I have been recently diagnosed (at the tender age of 25) with stage four colon cancer. Who'd have thought such a thing could happen to a guy that stays in shape, has low blood pressure and cholesterol, and snacks on grapes? Not me, but here I am, proof positive that such awful things can happen even when you are good to yourself.

I'm not one to back down from a challenge though, especially one that could cost me my life if I lay down and let the vultures fly in. In a year when I am through chemo and follow up surgeries, I will laugh in cancer's face and say, "I beat it." Then maybe I'll start snacking on NikNaks and say bollocks to grapes... life's too short.

Good health to all who read this.

Dave Appleyard

Anonymous said...

Hi Ruth,
It's Cathy! Nice to hear from you! I am glad that you and your little family are all fine.
Personally I am still working for Tyco Fire and Security since last August as a customer service coordinator (where i have to practice my French, lol!)
However I think I am going to learn Spanish again as I fancy travelling in a little while!
I hope you get many other comments from people... :)
Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ruth,

Its Gbemi. I've recently 'found' my long lost friends Matt Boyd and Nick Boxall on Facebook (everyone's on this site by the way), and told them about your blog so they should be dropping by sometime soon.

As you know since I graduated I've been working for a branding and communications agency in Central London. My role is called an Office Assistant but its just a fancy name for a receptionist. I can't complain too much because its what pays the bills but I can't help but feel like i'm wasting my time here. Believe me I've tried to get out but unfortunately haven't been able to find a more worthwhile substitute.

On the upside, as you also know I'm applying to start my masters this year at Queen Mary in MSc International Management and Marketing. I'm really looking forward to it. I can't believe I feel this way but I actually like Education. I like learning and studying (I'm such a geek). I miss the deadlines and the pressure (I must be losing my mind!). I think i'll be after your job next. Although (no offence intended) but it most definitely won't be at BCUC.

Anonymous said...

Ah hello Ruth it is the one and only Mr Andy Powell. Good to hear your still at BCUC although heaven knows why you would want to hear from us lot. Me, Dave and Artem always considered you part of the BCUC furniture (not that we wanted to sit on you or anything, well maybe Artem, Russians are weird like that).

So whats new with me?..not a great deal. Still working my way up with Euromoney, although nearly left in october to follow my dream of a career in pole dancing. Unfortunatly my fear of exposure let me down so that never happened.

On a sad note, my parents split in October after 26 years. That sort of sucked although they both appear happy, so I guess they would recommend it (wink wink)..

Also Helen and I split in Jan after 5 years. Wouldn't recommend that so much but am now with a gorgeous Brighton girl I met at work. Recently went to Barcelona with her in March and thought ah yes life doesn't get any better than this. And then I went to Poland last week with Mr Dave Byrne and realised it does.

We are now moving to Poland.

Sorry this couldn't be more cheerful.. erm.. OK what about a joke?

A Brown Paper bag walks into a doctors and says "doctor doctor I think i've got aids"..the doctor replies "rubbish how could you your just a brown paper bag!" response the brown paper bad says " I know but my mothers a carrier"..

- sorry

well much love to you Ruth, Happy 75th Birthday for Saturday and I'll email you soon..

- dave A will also email you soon. Stay brave mate. Keep fighting.

Andy P

Anonymous said...

Hi Ruth:
It's Juan Sebastian, hope u remember me, i'm that shy mexican who studied in 2006. Im almost done with my career, finishing my dissertation. At the moment am working in a Pharmacetical Company named MorePharma, in Mexico City.
It's awesome, gotta do a lot of work, im in the marketing department, so im doing wot i like. The only problem is the city, so crowded, so poluted, but i'll survive.
Take care